Sewing Machines & Classroom
Need: Complete Sewing Building and purchase sewing machines
Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home compound
Background: We would like to provide vocational training to as many as possible, especially our older girls. We have the main brick structure of a sewing room constructed. We would like to complete it so that we can set up a nice sewing class for our home, school, and community.
$4,400 is needed to finish the walls, plaster, roof placement, door, and windows. (NEED MET)
$1,500 is needed to purchase the sewing machines
$600 is needed for the beginning sewing supplies.
Skills training provide opportunities for income.
Sonrise children will be able to repair their clothes, sheets, and blankets when needed.
The children can begin to make some of their own clothes or even the bed sheets.
Possibly make items to sell
Budget: $6,500
Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.