30 KV Generator
Not an exact representation
Need: Purchase a 30 KV Generator, backup power for lights, computers, wireless equipment, sewing machines, and freezers.
Location: Kamuli District, Uganda, Sonrise Children’s Home compound
In our village, we currently have no electricity. The nearest power line to our village is 2.5 kilometers away. We have a primary school of 300+ students, a nursery school of 100+ students, and a children’s home of over 70+ children that all require a good power source. We are soon to be building a computer lab and sewing school which will require power.
We do have some solar power for the homes/school, but it only generates power during our dry seasons. We would like to purchase a large, 30 KV generator that can be utilized to provide power that is needed in those uncertain seasons.
Benefits: Our teachers will be able to teach and our school children will be able to learn more effectively and efficiently with powerpoint presentations that are needed for certain classes. The children in the school/homes, as well as the adults in the community, will be able to learn new skills on the computer and in the sewing school which will help them with finding new jobs to help provide for their families. The freezers will allow us to be able to store meat from our animals and even sell it as needed.
There is a parallel project that involves establishing a connection to the national grid but this power is also partially reliable.
Budget: $15,000
Sonrise Children’s Home serves to promote the Good News of Christ in their area of influence through education, farming, school, outreach and discipleship.