Sonrise Ministries Uganda

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Church & Pastoral Ministry

Need: Continue discipleship efforts of training biblical sound church leaders.  

Not long after the Sonrise Babies Home was established in 2009 the Sonrise Community Church, Jinja Uganda, was established, led by Pastor Ivan Mukulu. It has grown greatly since 2010.

With God leading and much faith, the Sonrise Community Church established 13 other churches located in various southern Uganda provinces.

There is a tremendous need to disciple biblically sound pastors, evangelist and youth leaders in Uganda. With the help of several of Pastor Ivan’s understudies and visiting pastor/teachers from the USA, we graduated our three groups of pastor / teachers between 2018 and 2023.

We utilize Bible Training Centre for Pastors, Inc. curriculum, (BTCP) which is a full course of study of ten manuals, which is designed for men who are called pastors, lay pastors, church planters, missionaries, evangelists, elders or deacons. There is a similar but alternate course track for women to be equipped for service. Study duration is about 2 years.

Our financial needs include pastoral stipends, vehicle fuel, Bibles, notebooks, construct or rent modest rain proof worship locations, food and rent for training location in Kamuli Uganda.

Program Needs: 

  • rent for 1 year of our Kamuli District training center

  • 1 year of training program (transport, teachers, food, certificates) 100 pastors

  • Transportation for pastors/teachers

  • Lugandan / English bibles for established churches

  • Study Bibles for trainees

  • Plant additional churches (fuel, food)


  1. Making disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. With rent and the training costs covered, we are be able to train and share the gospel with more people.

  3. Bibles to new believers and those without one

Budget: $42,100 (annually) or $3,500 (monthly)

Revised 16-Jan-2023

Bible Training Centre for Pastors, Inc., (BTCP)


1. Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation

2. Old Testament Survey

3. New Testament Survey

4. Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry

5. Bible Doctrine Survey

6. Personal Spiritual Life

7. Church Ministry / Administration / Education

8. Teaching Principles and Methods

9. Church History Survey

10.Missions / Evangelism / Discipleship

Plus hours of study, reading and assignments.

Curriculum Source:

Bible Training Centre for Pastors, Inc.
2030 Tucker Industrial Road
Suite 126
Tucker, GA 30084-6253, USA
Phone: 770-938-6160