Sonrise Ministries Uganda

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2018 Annual Report


Looking back at the history of Sonrise and where God has taken this ministry to date is nothing short of miraculous. What began as a God-sized vision has become a growing and thriving ministry to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Uganda. In the midst of this, God has allowed us to be a part this joyous work! When I was asked to chair this board in the fall of 2018, I was humbled that God would give me the grace to help lead this ministry moving forward. But what I quickly realized is the greatest responsibility we have is our continuing faith that God will continue to have his hand on our ministry. And while faith is placing complete confidence in things unseen, this by no means is it blind, but instead visionary. Without vision, nothing can succeed, and we would not be able to celebrate what God has done over the past few years.

 As we continue to praise God for what he has accomplished in the past year, we cannot become complacent nor content on the success of this past year. And while we continue to grow, our faith that all these children’s needs will be met must grow evermore. We should no longer view ourselves as mere donors but rather ambassadors of this ministry, proudly representing every child, worker, director, and board member of Sonrise. So as you sit here and wonder what exactly this means to you, let me challenge you to be on mission. And truth be known, we all have a place in missions. First, some will physically travel and serve the people at Sonrise. If you have the means and resources to visit Sonrise, let me encourage you to do so. Seeing firsthand what God is doing provides a new perspective and renewed compassion for our ministry and is without a doubt life changing. Secondly, for those who can’t physically go, their place in mission can be through giving and support. Without the generosity of our donors, we would not be able to grow and provide for the needs of Sonrise.  And lastly, for those who might not be able to give, they can participate in mission with us through prayer. The biggest mistake we can make is underestimating the power of praying for our ministry’s success and well-being. No matter your physical or financial position, we all have the obligation to share in this responsibility of prayer together.

 There is still so much work to accomplish to fulfill our vision of empowering the people of Uganda through education and life skills training with a Biblical foundation. So, will you join me by continuing to partner with Sonrise and our never-ending journey of obedience to God’s teachings of Isaiah 12:4 – “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted”? With faith, prayer, and your contributions, God has seen us through another year. With growth comes challenges, and with challenges comes the need for help from others who feel as strong a commitment to sharing God’s Word as we do. Along with financial support, we want to know your talents. We will always believe God has richly provided each of us with gifts that can be used to help in our ministry in one way or another. Let me know your passions and talents and let’s see how we can use them for the glory of God’s kingdom through Sonrise.

In closing, as stated above, our faith is visionary, and I hope you will prayerfully consider partnering with us on mission once again in the coming year. I also want to make myself available to you and to answer any questions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me at and I’ll promptly be in contact with you to set up a time where we can talk about how you can help Sonrise and bring glory to God’s kingdom. It is a pleasure and honor to serve you and Sonrise Ministries.

 Talmadge A. James

Click here to read or download the Sonrise Ministries 2018 Annual Report