Sonrise Children's Home Relocates
February 18, 2018 began with much excitement and anticipation. Kids gathered their belongings and made ready to take the hour plus bus ride in the Sonrise bus from Jinja to their new home near Kamuli.
For the 16 children who were moving up from the Sonrise Babies Home, the day began with hugs and bitter-sweat goodbyes, especially for Damali, the Babies Home Director, who rescued many of these babies from starvation and ill health. But with tears comes opportunity for when babies move up to the Children Home at around 3 years of age, space becomes available for Damali to rescue additional babies.
It was a lively bus ride from Jinja to Kamluli with 57 children and leaders on a warm day in February. After years of being overcrowded in their Jinja City rental home, we packed up and moved to our new homes on the beautiful 40 acres of farm land.
With the smell of new paint and some final touches still underway, the children walked into one of our new duplex cottages. With voices of joy, excitement and raised hands, the large group of children and adults sang songs in praise to God for what He has provided; a new home.
Several years ago with a God size vision, Ivan & Melissa Mukulu walked their newly purchased 40 acres, pointing to the undeveloped hillside where they could envision the new living cottages, a new school for their children and nearby villagers, planted crops and water from a fresh new well. It was a bold move by anyones mind but with the faith of Abraham, Ivan said "God will make a way."
Far from established electrical power, they will be relying on solar to light their three duplex homes and power their water well pump.
Temporary School Cooking Shed
Temporary School Cooking Shed
One of the 3 Children's Cottage Shower and Latrines
Solar Panels and Battery house (still in progress)
Children's Home Cottage, on moving day (still in progress)
We should have additional pictures of the cottages in a few weeks, when everything is complete. Still underway are interior painting, inside door installs, window screen installs and adding furniture. Our Sonrise kids are basically camping out in one of the 3 cottages until they are all complete. Some might ask why they moved. It's because the school session had begun. All is well! The kids are loving their new experience.
With our 57 Sonrise children and 113 village kids (at last count), the new Sonrise Primary School is abuzz with joyful noise. They receive a cup of porage in the morning and a very filling lunch. For the village children this is more of a meal than they've had before. After a little over a week of school they are already looking healthier. We are still enrolling children in the older age classes each day. This is not without challenges. Most all the village children have never received any education so this is tough on both students and teachers but it gets better each day.
If you have followed our progress through the recent years, you know this day has been badly needed. With most of our children coming out of the Sonrise Babies Home at about age 3, our numbers grow each year. Thank you to the many prayers and financial gifts that made this possible and we pray you will remain with us as we grow to be the light of Christ in Uganda, changing lives, one at a time.
We are stretched beyond measure. Your prayers are coveted.
Ivan & Melissa Mukulu