New Sonrise Baby - Brenda

A frantic grandmother comes through the gate of the Sonrise Baby’s Home today with her granddaughter Brenda screaming at the top of her lungs.
Baby Brenda's 19-year-old mother died two weeks after complications from a C-section. The 23-year-old father passed Brenda to the grandmother for care.
All the homes aunties came running hearing a screaming child. The grandmother was invited inside the home. Auntie Peace immediately fixed a bottle for baby Brenda that quickly satisfied and all became quiet.
The grandmother said she had been spoon-feeding Brenda with water and milk until she could afford no more.
This is one example of one day here at Sonrise Ministries. Saving children. Please stand with us in prayer that the Lord will accomplish all He has for this precious girl and that we can provide the resources to support baby Brenda.
You can help us by sponsoring sweet Brenda by clicking here.